Divisional Conclave
Saturday the 2nd September and the knights of the Red Cross Division of West Lancashire assembled at Wellington Park Leyland for their Annual Divisional Conclave.
Sadly, the Intendant General, R.Ill. Kt. Michael Robert Walker, could not preside, he was at home, recovering from minor surgery, earlier in the week.
Deputy Intendant General, V.Ill. Kt. Fred Hargreaves
V. Ill. Kt. Frederick Ernest Hargreaves, PGH Chancellor, the Deputy Intendant General took charge of the meeting and was pleased to welcome many visiting Knights form other 18 other Divisions across the country along with a healthy turn out knights from West Lancashire.
Ill. Kt. Geoff Gill, Divsional Marshal
The main business of the day was, as always, the appointment of the Divisional Team for the year 2017-2018. This could not be done without first paying a tribute to the outgoing Team which had been very ably led by the Divisional Eusebius Iain Brown. Ian had had a very busy year and had visited every Conclave in the Division, some of them more than once.
The Procession forms up
and they are off
Visiting R.Ill. Intendants General
The Team appointed and all other business transacted, VE Kt Fred, led the procession out of the meeting and on into a delightful meal served by the staff at Wellington Park.
Well Known West Lancashire Faces!
Divisional Eusebius, Peter Schofield and retiring Eusebious Iain Brown
Another year gone, where does the time go. It won’t be long before we are back next year and the team will be back to see their successors appointed.
The Team 2017-18
Report and photographs courtesy of Ill Kt. Mike Beesley
P.G.Prefect, P.Div. Eusebius., Webmaster.